Friday, February 7, 2014

My Pre-Baby To Do Tracker

If you've read my post "The Truth About Nesting", then you know how overwhelming the pre-natal to-do list was (and still is, at times). Towards the end of my first trimester, I created a tracker so I could see what needs to be done, how much time I have to do it, and what calendar events I need to work around.

I'm a very visual person, and being able to see the tasks spread out over several months made it much easier to focus on the items at hand and not feel like I needed to solve it all right then. (Anyone else wired that way?)

I thought I'd share the tracker with you all too. :) You can find a link to the document in GoogleDrive and an image of how I've used mine below. Please let me know if this is helpful to you! 

Happy nesting!!

Download in GoogleDrive: Pre-Baby To Do Tracker
***To edit, you'll have to click File, Open in .... and select Google Sheets***

Here's an example of how I've been using mine...

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